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World Current Affairs MCQs 2019 Part I

World Current Affairs MCQs 2019 Part I

World Current Affairs MCQs 2019 Part I. World Current Affairs MCQs 2019 Part I.

World Current Affairs MCQs 2019 Part I

1 In India Occupied Kashmir at Pulwama when was a suicide attack carried out by Mujahideens?

February 14, 2019

2 In Pulwama attack how many Indian soldiers were killed?


3 Recently which country parliamentarian resigned after stealing a sandwich?


4 Where the US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader met for the first time?

Sentosa (Singapore)

5 When US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader met for the first time?

June 12, 2018

Current Affairs Pakistan MCQs 2019 Part I

6 Where in New Zealand terrorist attack occurred in Mosque?


7 When in New Zealand terrorist attack occurred in Mosque?

March 15, 2019

8 How many Muslims were martyred in New Zealand Christchurch terrorist attack?


9 In which Mosque at Christchurch, New Zealand, a terrorist attack occurred? 

Al Noor

10 Who is the Arab World first female interior minister?

Raya Al Hassan

11 Raya Al Hassan is the female interior minister of which Arab country?


12 What was the name of Indian Anti-Satellite operation system?

Mission Shakti

13 When India conducted Mission Shakti?

March 27, 2019

14 What is the name of Slovakia first ever female president elected recently, April 2019?

 Zuzana Caputova

15 In recent days, which historic cathedral church collapsed due to fire?

Notre Dame Cathedral 

16 Where is Notre Dame Cathedral located?

Paris (France)

17 When Notre Dame Cathedral located caught fire?

April 15, 2019

18 Where the 2020 Olympics games will be hosted?

Tokyo (Japan)

19 Which country is the third largest beneficiary of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)?


20 When International Firefighters Day is celebrated every year?

4th May

21 Where the new round of US – Taliban talks opened?

Doha, Qatar

22 When USA withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action?

May 8, 2018

23 What Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is commonly called?

Iran nuclear deal

24 When was Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action created?

14 July 2015

25 When was Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action adopted?

18th October 2015

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