Most Commonly Confusing Words In English Part VII
I have collected a few most commonly confusing words. These words almost pronounced same but they have different meanings and so is different their use. Please keep in mind that in English language each word gives different meaning at different time depending upon its use. In this post I have just pointed out only that meaning of every word that can help you to keep their difference in mind. I hope you would like my effort. I have tried my best to avoid any mistake but still if you find any, please point out that by commenting in the comment box.
1 Difference between Loath and Loathe:
Loath means unwilling while Loathe means disgusting.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Loathe for disgusting has an ‘‘E’’ in the end while Loath for unwilling do not contain ‘‘E’’ in the end.
2 Difference between Lightning and Lightening:
Lightning means flash light produced in the sky while Lightening means reducing the weight of something.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Lightening for reducing weight has an ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘T’’ while Lightning for flash light of sky has no ‘‘E’’.
3 Difference between Lose and Loose:
Lose means separation or loss of something while Loose means not held tight.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Lose for loss has only one ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘L’’ while Loose for less tight has two ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘L’’.
4 Difference between Later and Latter:
Later means after the expected time while Latter means denoting the second thing in any two earlier mentioned things.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Later for late has only one ‘‘T’’ after ‘‘A’’ while Latter for mentioning the second thing or person has two ‘‘T’’ after ‘‘A’’.
5 Difference between Latter and Letter:
Latter means denoting the second thing in any two earlier mentioned things while Letter means written or typed communication.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Letter for written communication has ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘L’’ while the Latter for second has ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘L’’.
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6 Difference between Metal and Mettle:
Mineral means any of a class mineral substances such as tin, iron, gold and copper while Mettle means the quality in persons, horses etc of endurance and courage.
7 Difference between Minor and Miner:
Miner means a man who works in underground mines while Minor means smaller or a person under the age of 21.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Miner for mine worker has ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘N’’ while Minor for smaller has ‘‘O’’ instead of ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘N’’.
8 Difference between Main and Mane:
Main means chief while Mane means long hair on the neck of a horse, lion etc.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Main for chief/major has ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ while Mane for neck hair has no ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ and it has ‘‘E’’ in the end.
9 Difference between Man and Mane:
Man is the opposite of woman. It is gender while Mane means chief or major part or something.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Mane for chief has ‘‘E’’ in the end while Man has no ‘‘E’’.
10 Difference between Maize and Maze:
Maize is kind of grain grows in Indo-Pakistan while Maze means labyrinth or a network of complex paths or tunnels.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Maize for grain has an ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ while Maze for complex tunnels has no ‘‘I’’.
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