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Women And Development – WAD CSS

Women And Development – WAD CSS

The article discusses “Women And Development WAD. Women’s role in national development of a country. Effects of women’s role on development. What WAD says?”

Women And Development – WAD

Women And Development (WAD) is an offshoot of Women In Development (WID) approach and is developed by Marxist feminists. Its origin can be traced back to United Nations First Conference on Women that was held in 1975 in Mexico City, Mexico.

Women And Development Approaches

women and development wad

It has both a theoretical and practical approach towards women’s role in development.

Women In Development – WID

Theoretical Approach

Whereas Women In Development (WID) approach was mainly focused on integrating women in development projects and proving them as an important factor of development rather than only its passive recipient, Women And Development (WAD) approach thinks differently. It argued that women have always been an important part of development and did not suddenly appear in the 1970’s as a result of some exogenous development efforts. WAD approach focuses primarily on the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism rather than on women’s relationship with the development.

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Practical Approach

Women And Development (WAD) approach stresses on the relationship between women and the work that they perform in their societies as economic agents in both public and private spheres. It also emphasizes on the distinctive nature of the roles women play in the maintenance and development of their societies. WAD however believed that complete integration of women in development projects would reinforce the existing structure of inequality present in societies overrun by patriarchal interests.

Gender And Development – GAD


  • Women-only development projects may not succeeded due to marginalized status of women in society.
  • Women And Development (WAD) approach view women as a class and pay little attention to other problems of women such as race and ethnicity difference and socio-culture differences of every society.   

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