Why Kashmir Freedom Movement is Fruitless? 5 Reasons To Know
The article explains “Why Kashmir freedom movement is fruitless? Kashmir freedom movement failure. Causes of Kashmir freedom movement failure. Why Kashmir freedom movement is fruitless? Kashmir freedom fighters. Why Kashmir freedom movement is fruitless?”
Why Kashmir Freedom Movement is Fruitless?

In spite of seventy two years long history of freedom struggle, freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir is now near to fail. If it really happened, it would be a great disgrace to those thousands freedom fighters who laid their lives in this cause.
There are many reasons of the failure of freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir, some of which are given below.
Kashmir Issue Main Points And Its Causes
Role Of Foreign Kashmiris: Thousands of those Kashmiris who are living abroad and possesses both power, either that be economic or political, and influence have low or no interest in Kashmir Issue resolution and freedom of the valley and of its people. They have setup their mind of living abroad and have renounced Kashmir and the demand of its freedom.
Fear Of Indian Repercussion: Some abroad living Kashmiris are those who have aspiration of Kashmir freedom and desire to see freed Jammu and Kashmir but due to the fear of Indian repercussion they remained silent. They want to help freedom movement but fear has overcome them.
Kashmiris Remained Unheard: In spite of international media coverage and debates over Kashmir Issue, common Kashmiris are still unheard. No one ponder what they want and what is their opinion?
Divided Views: Divided views of Kashmiris is another major reason of the failure of freedom movement in Jammu and Kashmir. Muslim population of Jammu and Kashmir, which are in majority, demands either accession to Pakistan or a free state while Hindu population of Jammu and Kashmir, which is a major minority demands only accession to India. No one knows what other minority groups, living in the valley wants?
Promises Unfulfilled UN And Kashmir Issue
New Generation: A major portion of youth and new generation of Kashmir, who has grown under Indian rule in the valley and who knows nothing about the history of Jammu and Kashmir and have thought about only India in schools, have totally different opinion. They have almost no interest in Kashmir freedom movement.
A freedom movement anywhere in the world fails only when its supporters and people become disloyal to it. For Kashmiris, it is time to remain stick to their freedom movement and demand from international community to help them get their right of self determination from India.
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