Universal Human Equality is Utopic – CSS Essay 2019

The article discusses “Universal human equality is utopic. Universal human rights. Universal human rights declaration. Universal human equality is utopic.”

Universal Human Equality is Utopic

universal human equality is utopic

To eliminate racial division and ensure equal rights for every member of human family, United Nations Organization (UNO) adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) on 10 December 1948. Article 1 of the UNDHR states “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” To work for the universal human equality United Nations (UN) built Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in 1993, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1950 and United Nations Human Rights Council in 2006. It also works with other several Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) both at the national and international level to achieve the goal. Despite all these steps taken by the UN and some NGOs, universal human equality still seems utopic to some people. The argued the following rationales.

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Universal human equality is just an imaginary concept. Racial, cultural and economic divisions have deep roots in our social setup and they cannot be annihilated easily. If we are serious about universal human equality, we should first overcome these challenges.

Half of the world net wealth is owned by top 1 percent adults.

We also see a clear division in the world social, political and economic system on the basis of development. Those nations being socially, politically and economically developed called rest of the under-developed states third world countries. This means only humanity is not enough for equality. You must be developed too.

Gender Equality A Popular Slogan

In 2013, Credit Suisse, an international wealth manager and watchdog published a report on the distribution of global household wealth.  According to its findings half of the world net wealth is owned by top 1 percent adults. Similarly 85 percent of Global Household Wealth is owned by top 10 percent adults of the world population. Remaining 15 percent wealth is owned by the rest 90 percent of world population adults.

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Today’s economic system of majority of the countries has widened the gap between poor and riches. With each passing day a poor is getting poorer and rich is getting richer. In such case talking of universal equality is like living in fools’ paradise.

Human Inventions Move The Societies Backward

Human blood is sacred. It cannot be shed unless it is in the best interest of society and humanity. Unfortunately over the past two decades we have seen an unprecedented human bloodshed in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria. Some called it war against terror while others believe it a great game for political superiority and access to crude oil deposits. Whatever the reason was, the blood was shed only in third world countries which we can understand why.

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We also see a total failure of world community particularly those who speaks of universal human equality in case of human rights exploitation in areas like Kashmir, Burma – Rohingya, and Palestine.  In these areas people do not have access to even basic human rights like protection of life, property and dignity.

No one can deny the above mentioned arguments but this does not mean that we should give up working for universal human equality. Over the past half century, particularly after the adoption of Universal Human Rights Declaration many steps have already been taken in this regard. We should keep the good work continue because only this way we can make the change.


For more details you can visit the following links.

  • UN.ORG – Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
  • Wikipedia.Org – Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
  • Humanrights.Com – Human Rights Organizations
  • ForeignPolicy.Com – Is Human Rights Just The Latest Utopia
  • Inequality.Org – Global Inequality

Tags: Universal human equality is utopic. Universal human rights. Universal human rights declaration. Universal human equality is utopic.Universal human equality is utopic. Universal human rights. Universal human rights declaration. Universal human equality is utopic.

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