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The Root Causes Of Gender Based Violence (GBV) – 8

The Root Causes Of Gender Based Violence (GBV) – 8

The post will help you to know about “The root causes of Gender Based Violence (GBV). Underlining the root causes of gender based violence. The root causes of Gender Based Violence (GBV). Factors contributing to GBV and Violence Against Women (VAW).”

The Root Causes Of Gender Based Violence (GBV)

Violence Against Women (VAW) or Gender Based Violence (GBV) are both a major challenge and problem of every society in today’s world. Many international organizations along with states are trying to eliminate or at least minimizes the risk of gender based violence in society.

The 8 Causes Of Gender Based Violence

Feminists have identified many causes of gender based violence in society. Some of these causes have been pointed out in detail in below paragraphs.



High rate of illiteracy is one of the main reasons of gender based violence in our society. Education both teaches humanity and makes man careful about the emotions of other person and also taught him his rights and responsibilities. Due to the high rate of illiteracy in our society and lack of carefulness and awareness about the rights and responsibilities of owns and others are mainly responsible for increased cases of gender based violence in our society.

Gender Based Violence And Its Forms

Child Marriages

Sometimes an early marriage is also counted for gender based violence in society. In case of child marriages, husband sometimes feels fed-up due to the sudden burden that feels on his shoulders, of looking after his wife and her needs. Similarly in case of early marriage the wife too is unaware of her rights and responsibilities towards the family and her irresponsible behavior sometimes become the cause of her husband violent behavior.

Economic Problems

Low level of income and unemployment too sometimes became the cause of gender based violence in our society. The depression of perpetrator due to low level of earning or joblessness often pushed him for violence against his wife and other family members.

Effects Of Gender Based Violence

Past Experience

It has also been noted that the past experience of a person also sometimes become a reason for the gender based violence. By past experience we mean the perpetrator often in his past life has experienced violence at the hand of another person which has influenced his mind to do it now himself.

Low Marital Satisfaction Level

Sometimes the low level of marital satisfaction of the male partner also pushed him for taking violent actions against his wife. This problem arises either due to miss understanding between the spouses or due to the sickness of either partner especially the wife.


Disparities between the husband and wife especially of educational, income and family level and disagreements among the two on certain important matters also sometimes become the live cause of gender based violence in our society.

How To Prevent Gender Based Violence?


Cultural values also play an important role in both the continuation and prevention of gender based violence in society. In regions where women are considered inferior to men and where women are taught to endure every ferocity of the husband quietly then in such societies the chances of gender based violence are very high.

Societal Status Of Gender

The status of both genders and their respective roles in the society also affects the nature of relationship between husband and wife and men and women. It has been observed that in those areas where men are considered the dominant gender of society, the risk of gender based violence is also very high in such areas.

Hurdling Women Empowerment

Dependency Level

The dependency level of one gender on another also sometimes left one person completely vulnerable to the gender based violence at the hand of another person in the society. Some common examples of this dependency are economic dependence and decision making dependence.

The above mentioned are some of the major causes of gender based violence in today’s world. If we look closely at these causes, we see that the first four causes, that illiteracy, child marriage, economic problems and past experience are individual level factors while low marital satisfaction level and disparities are relationship level factors and the rest are societal level factors.

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