712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent
712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent. Indo Pak history 712 to 1857. 712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent. Important wars in indian history. 712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent. Muhammad bin Qasim MCQs. 712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent. 712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent.
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712 to 1857 War History MCQs Of Subcontinent
1 When was the First Battle of Panipat fought?
21st April 1526
2 Who fought the First Battle of Panipat?
Ibrahim Lodhi and Babur
3 Who won the First Battle of Panipat?
4 What is the importance of First Battle of Panipat?
The beginning of Mughal Empire
5 When was the Second Battle of Panipat fought?
November 5, 1556
6 Who fought the Second Battle of Panipat?
Hemu Chandra and Emperor Akbar
7 Who was Hemu Chandra?
King of Delhi
8 Who won the Second Battle of Panipat?
Emperor Akbar
9 When was the Third Battle of Panipat fought?
January 14, 1761
10 Who fought the Third Battle of Panipat?
Princely States Of Pakistan MCQs
Maratha Empire and King Ahmad Shah Abdali of Afghanistan
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