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Role Of Civilization in Development Of Human Personality And Communities

Role Of Civilization in Development Of Human Personality And Communities

The article discusses “Role of civilization in development of human personality and communities. Personality development of human being is the product of society. Personality development values and culture. Human needs which develop because of culture and individual personality. Relationship between culture and personality. Acquisition of culture and personality formation. Role of civilization in development of human personality and communities.”

Role Of Civilization in Development Of Human Personality And Communities

role of civilization in development of human personality and communities

As we know civilization is a social system which helps man to increase his cultural output. This means civilization in one way or another helps in the development of human personality and community. In below paragraphs we have highlighted some of the important roles that civilization plays in this regard.

Islamic Civilization And Culture – Meaning And Vital Elements

In an individual the development of good ethics and other social and cultural norms is one of the prime roles of civilization. It set social and moral boundaries of character for a community and tries to move society towards moral, social and cultural development. In this regard religion plays an important role. Religion helps in the development of civilization which ultimately affects the character building of an individual and a community.

Civilization makes-up the political system of a nation. It outlined the role of government, its machineries and people. History shows that great civilizations of past have great political system. For example; Ancient Egypt was the first state in human history that had demarcated boundary lines. Similarly Rome had the first parliamentary system in history. 

Similarly type of economy, prohibited and permitted sale and purchases and role of state in market control, all are devised by civilization. We know economy plays an important role in military might of a nation. Similarly market structure also affects the prosperity of a nation. Likewise the development of a market and economy has direct link with the development of civilization.

Technological advancement has always remained the unique characteristic of a developed civilization. It not only helps in the development of civilization but also uncover mysteries of the world. In the same way civilization also led to the development of new techniques, machines and technologies. History shows that Greece at the peak of its success was the centre of excellence and technological developments. Then Rome and then Arab world.

Distinctions Of Islamic Civilization

No doubt civilization has a direct link with the development of art, architecture and literature of a nation. Every nation at the peak of its success has made undeniable contribution to art, literature and architecture.

Civilization has always played an important role in the development of human personality and community. Aristotle has called human beings social animal. According to him only social living differentiates human beings from other animals. This means only civilization differentiate us from other beings. 

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