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Rise Of Extremism – CSS Islamiat Notes – 10 Powerful Causes

Rise Of Extremism – CSS Islamiat Notes – 10 Powerful Causes

The article discusses “Rise of extremism – CSS Islamiat notes. Causes of the rise of extremism. What are the causes of extremism? Rise of extremism – CSS Islamiat notes. Rise of extremism – CSS Islamiat notes”

Rise Of Extremism – CSS Islamiat Notes

Extremism means the holding of extreme political or religious views. Over the past two decades a sudden rise in extremism has been observed. There are many reasons responsible for it some of which have been discussed in below paragraphs.

Islamophobia is Not Freedom Of Speech

The rise of extremism can be analyzed on two grounds. First its rise in Muslim Ummah and second its emergence in the whole world. In Muslim World some of the main reasons responsible for the rise of extremism have been discussed in below paragraphs.

Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges

Causes Of Extremism

rise of extremism css islamiat notes

One of the major reasons responsible for the rise of extremism in Muslim World is the exploitation of religious sentiments by a group of people who have their personal ill motives. The objective of these people is either to create uncertain conditions in the state or to fight different sects of Muslims with one another. In both the cases they achieve their objectives and benefited.

Islamic Studies MCQs Quiz Online Test

Another major reason of religious extremism in Muslim world is the high rate of illiteracy. Today majority of Muslims unfortunately lack both religious and conventional knowledge. In such case they are easily misguided by a group of people who works on the agenda of enemies.

In the rise of extremism in Muslim World the role of certain religious scholars is not unknown. These scholars are propagating extremism and hatred through their sermons against other Muslim sects and Non Muslims.

Impact Of Islamic Civilization On The West And Vice Versa

As majority of Muslims today lack religious knowledge, their sentiments can be easily manipulated and that is what happening today in Muslim World. The religious sentiments of Muslims are exploited by a group of people and they are provoked for taking extreme actions.

Western propaganda against Islam also has a great role in the rise of extremism in Muslim World. Western media through planned mission is presenting Islam an extremist religion. Similarly attacks on the integrity of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also aim at provoking Muslims to show them extremists to the world.

Over all an increase in intolerance in our society has been observed. This is mainly because of poverty, social, political and economic instability. Today Muslim world is facing an instability that it has never experienced before.

The Role Of Islam in Modern World

Role of foreign factors in the rise of extremism in Muslim World is undeniable. Some of these factors include foreign funding of extremist groups, planned outbreak of communal riots, sectarian clashes and remote control bomb blasts.

The attack of western countries on poor Islamic states in the name of terrorism is also one of the major reasons of rise of extremism in Muslim World. The attack of United States and its allies on Afghanistan and Iraq particularly lead to the rise of extremism in Muslim Ummah against the West. 

When we talk about the rise of extremism in general terms then it means the following reasons are responsible for it.

Marginalization of a group of people, a community or a nation can lead to extremism. When a community is treated distinctively and socially, politically and economically pushed hard, it then reacts in an extreme way.   

Rise Of Extremism – CSS Islamiat Notes

Inequality gives birth to many problems in society. One such problem is extremism. History shows that inequality in society has always lead to a bloody revolution. 

Persecution of a community, nation or state in any way can also lead to the rise of extremism. Here the extremism may occur in two ways. Either the minority who are persecuted may reacts extremely or the majority on the provocation of a person or an organization reacts extremely against the minority.

The ever increasing gape between poor and rich has also lead to the rise of extremism in many ways in society. Today the poor is getting poorer and the rich richer. In such case the emergence of hatred and extremism in society is a natural phenomenon.   

Concept Of Public Administration in Islam

When government either intentionally or unintentionally deny the rights and liberty of people, it also lead to the rise of extremism. Take for example the case of violent protests going on in Burma against dictatorship.  

In some cases government is also responsible for the rise of extremism. When a fundamentalist party is in power in a state, then rise in extremism is an undeniable fact. Take for example the case of India today, where BJP is in power and a rise in extremism and hatred against minorities has been observed by the international human rights monitoring groups. 

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