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Prophet Muhammad As A Role Model For Individual

Prophet Muhammad As A Role Model For Individual

The article discusses “Prophet Muhammad as a role model for individual. Prophet Muhammad role model Quran. Prophet Muhammad as a role model. Holy Prophet as a role model for individual. Prophet Muhammad as a role model for individual.”

Prophet Muhammad As A Role Model For Individual

An individual who people admires and try to copy him in their lives is known as role model. In human history except Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) we can hardly see anyone who is as perfect and ideal that we can call him a role model. No matter how hard a person tries, he always shows some weakness either in one or another aspect of life. For a person to be called a role model, he should be perfect on all grounds of humanity. In this regard Professor Khurshed Ahmed in his book “Islam-i-Nazrea e Hayat” has outlined the following four important criteria to judge a person on.

prophet muhammad as a role model for individual

Prophet Muhammad As A Role Model For Diplomats

For a person to be acknowledged as a role model, he should met the following four important conditions.

  • The first condition is documentation of life’s all important events. This means that every important happening of his life should be well documented. It should not be based on mere speculations.
  • Second condition is divulgence. This in other words means his life should be an open book for people.
  • Third condition is completeness. It means his life should contain guidance for person of every level.
  • The fourth and last condition is practicalness. He should not advice people only verbally but also practically. 

Based on the above four conditions, not only Muslims but Non Muslims too acknowledged that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) was the only perfect human being that world has ever seen so far. The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a role model for an individual teaches us the following important things.  

The best of you is he, who is best to his family and I am the best among you all to my family.

Sunan Al Tarmizi 3895

Prophet Muhammad As A Role Model For Educator

When a person, no matter how strong he is morally, spends sometime in private, he always shows some weakness in his character. He either mentally or physically indulges himself in prohibited and immoral acts. Keeping thoughts and actions positive is not an easy task. In this regard the life of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) is a perfect guideline. It teaches us how we should spend our private time. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to spend most of his private time in prayer and recitation of Holy Quran.

Other important lessons that the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) teaches us are mercy, honesty and truthfulness. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before the start of the holy mission was known for his honesty, mercy and truthfulness in Arab society. He never took revenge for his personal satisfaction. He was an excellent example of love, sacrifice, honesty, truthfulness and mercifulness. Because of these reasons the Holy Quran says

“And you (O Muhammad) are truly ‘a man’ of outstanding character.” – Surah Al Qalam – 4

Prophet Muhammad As A Role Model For Military Strategist

In today’s world living a happy marital life has almost became a dream. Today every person is facing family issues. In such circumstances only the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can guides us how to live a happy life. Only his holy life can guide us how to become a good husband, father, and uncle and so on. As a husband Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to help his wives in the completion of their daily chores. Similarly he was also the best father that world has ever seen. As a nephew he was more close and dear to his uncle, Abu Talib, than all his sons. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has highly endorsed maintaining good relations with family members. That is why he has said

“The best of you is he, who is best to his family and I am the best among you all to my family.” Sunan al Tirmidhi 3895. 

Similarly the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) also teaches an individual that he should always be honest, truthful and fair in his daily trade and other economic activities. An important event from the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) can be quoted here for example. In his early age, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sold some camels to a trader. Sometimes later he remembered that one of the camels has some disability and he did not mention it before the buyer. He thus ran to the buyer and told him everything. Later on, they both agreed on a new price for the camel.

The social life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was also as perfect as his private and family life. He was a good friend, a responsible citizen and an active social worker. He (PBUH) through his character and teachings brought the greatest revolution in human history that not only changed the structure but also the fate of Arab society.

The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) held perfect guidelines for an individual to follow and live a happy, successful life. For an individual no one can be a better role model than him. That is why the Holy Quran says

“The Messenger of Allah is certainly a good example for those of you who have hope in Allah and in the Day of Judgment and who remember God very often.” Surah Ahzab 21


For further reading please consult the following sources.

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