Promoting Tourism in Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges – CSS Essay
The essay is about “Promoting tourism in Pakistan: opportunities and challenges. Problems faced by tourism industry in Pakistan. Tourism problems in Pakistan. Promoting tourism in Pakistan.”
Promoting Tourism in Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges
- God has gifted both with enormous natural beauty and resources.
- Pakistan is one among few countries where tourism can be easily promoted.
- The only major reason of less tourism in Pakistan is the lack of government interest and vibrant policy for its promotion.
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An important source of revenue generation
- USA makes $ 244,708 million annually
- Spain $ 60,605 million while
- UK $ 55,558 million
- Pakistan hardly makes a few hundred million dollars annually through this industry.
Tourism: a big opportunity for Pakistan
Pakistan possesses a great potential in tourism industry. It has the following opportunities in this regard.
- Untouched natural beauty (Swat, Naran, Kaghan)
- Home to some of the world highest peaks (K2, Nanga Parbat, Trichmir)
- Diverse culture (Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and Pashtoons)
- Historical places (Mohenjodaro, Harrapa, Taxila, Takhbhai)
- Art and culture of the country
- National monuments (Minar-e-Pakistan, Quaid Tomb, Iqbal Tomb, National Monument Shakarparia)
- Historical monuments (Jahangir Tomb, Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, Qila Bala Hisar)
- Holy places of Sikhs
- Sufism and Asia largest Sufi Shrine (Kang Baksh shrine Lahore)
Challenges in the promotion of this industry
In spite of such huge potential, still tourism industry in Pakistan is not as developed as it should be. Its share in our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 2.8 per cent while in other countries it is about 30 per cent. Pakistan was ranked 124 out of 136 countries in 2017 as per Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index of World Economic Forum. Some challenges that Pakistan is facing in the promotion of Tourism are as under.
- Lack of a robust inter-provincial tourism policy
- Inadequate infrastructure development for tourist attraction
- Lack of cohesive policy to attract tourists
- Negative travel advisory to international tourists
- Boarding and loading problems
- Poor connectivity through air, rail and road
- NOC requirement by foreigner visitors
- Security challenges
How to overcome hurdles?
- Identification of sites for tourism
- Infrastructure development
- Improve security situation
- Attract more visitors through print and electronic media campaign
- Ensure that Pakistan is safe to travel
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