Promises Unfulfilled UN And Kashmir Issue – 5 Failures
The article explains “Promises unfulfilled UN and Kashmir Issue. UN has failed in resolving Kashmir Issue. UN failure in Kashmir Issue. Kashmir Issue a symbol of UN failure. Promises unfulfilled UN and Kashmir Issue.”
Promises Unfulfilled UN And Kashmir Issue

In Kashmir Issue, United Nations Organization (UNO) and its Security Council have failed to resolve the issue on time. UNO failed on many grounds in Kashmir Issue. Some of its failures and causes of failures have discussed in below paragraphs.
UN Failures in Kashmir Issue
Some of the major failures of United Nations Organization and United Nations Security Council are given below.
Kashmir Issue And Role Of United Nations
Failed in Resolving Kashmir Issue on Time: One of the major failures of United Nations Organization (UNO) is the resolution of Kashmir Issue on time. She could not compel India to follow United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. In Kashmir Issue UN looks more like a powerless organization.
Failed To Put Words (Resolutions) into Action: Another major failure of UNO in Kashmir Issue is her incapability to put her words into action. Over the past seven decades, UNO could not do more than merely passing resolutions in Kashmir Issue.
Resolution Of Kashmir Issue Can Bring Peace And Prosperity In The Region
Failed To Prevent Muslims’ Carnage: The biggest failure among all of United Nations Organization in Kashmir Issue is her inability to stop and prevent Muslims’ carnage in Jammu and Kashmir valley. From time to time Indian army in Jammu and Kashmir has carried out Muslims’ massacre but UN couldn’t take any action. In recent past the use of pallet gun in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) that has blinded hundreds of young people in the valley and that gained much public attention but unfortunately UN again couldn’t take any action.
United Nations Security Council Resolutions On Kashmir Issue
Silence Over Grave Human Rights Violations: Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) is one of the most densely militarized areas in the world. Over a million Indian soldiers are patrolling in an area of about 222,236 Square Kilometers. In such densely militarized area, human rights violation is a common thing.
Fail To End Clampdown: After violating United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions by abrogating Article 370 and nullifying Jammu and Kashmir special status, the valley is under Indian Government cruel clampdown for the past eight months and UN could do nothing.
Causes of UN Failure
Some of the major causes of United Nations Organization failure in Jammu and Kashmir conflict are given below.
Why Kashmir Freedom Movement is Fruitless?
Divided Council: One of the major causes of UN failure in Jammu and Kashmir Issue is division of the members of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in both their action and views. Whereas other members of UNSC had always supported the option of holding free and impartial plebiscite in the region that will decide the future of the valley, Russia (former USSR) on request of India has always voted against it.
Members’ Leaning Towards India: Today most of the prominent members of both UNO and UNSC due to their economic and political interests have clear inclination towards India. They in order to secure their interests in the region and in India, are against the option of holding a free and impartial plebiscite in the valley.
OIC Failed To Achieve Its Objectives
Snail Pace Work Progress of UN: Slow pace of UN work is another major reason of UN failure in case of Jammu and Kashmir Issue. UNSC has held meeting only when situation in the valley has deteriorated. It has never given importance to the issue on its own.
Established in October 1945, United Nations Organizations (UNO) whose clear aim was to stop any such nation who is threat to international peace and security and who violates internationally recognized human rights has failed in many cases including the case of Jammu and Kashmir Issue. It could not resolve the issue on time and failed to provide basic human right to the people of Kashmir which is the right of self determination.
Tags: Promises unfulfilled UN and Kashmir Issue. UN has failed in resolving Kashmir Issue. UN failure in Kashmir Issue. Kashmir Issue a symbol of UN failure. Promises unfulfilled UN and Kashmir Issue. Promises unfulfilled UN and Kashmir Issue.
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