Pakistans Population MCQs – 60 Important MCQs
Pakistans population MCQs. General Knowledge MCQs about Pakistan population. Pakistans population MCQs. Pakistan population test online. General questions asked about Pakistan total population.
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Pakistans Population MCQs
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1 What was the population of Pakistan in 2017?
197 million
2 What was the estimated population of Pakistan in 2018?
200 million
3 Pakistan’s total population equals to __________ percent of world’s total population.
4 What is the population density of Pakistan?
260 people per KM2
5 Total urban population of Pakistan is
6 What is the median age in Pakistan?
22.7 years
7 The rural population of Pakistan is
8 When was National Symposium on Alarming Population Growth rate held?
5th December 2018
9 As per UN report on population basis, Pakistan in 2050 would be world’s
Fourth most populated country
10 Among Asian countries, which country had first of all initiated family planning programme?
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