Pakistan’s Islamism And India’s Secularism Are Dreams Unfulfilled
The article discusses “Pakistan’s Islamism and India’s secularism are dreams unfulfilled. Islam in Pakistan. Secular India. Secularism in India. Pakistan’s Islamism and India’s secularism are dreams unfulfilled.”
Pakistan’s Islamism And India’s Secularism Are Dreams Unfulfilled
Both Pakistan and India came into being in August 1947, with pre-defined aims and objectives but in spite of passing more than seven decades, both the states could not achieve their objectives. Pakistan being an Islamic Republic still has western political structure and follows western rules in its state of affairs. Similarly India though called herself a secular state has Hindutva posture more prominent than secular.

Muslim Population in Pakistan
In Pakistan 96.4% of the population is Muslim and 2.14% is Hindu (2017 census).
Unfulfilled Dreams
Muslims of Subcontinent created an independent Islamic state in August 1947, in the shape of Pakistan after a long struggle and numerous sacrifices. Basic objectives of Muslims behind the establishment of new Islamic state were;
- Creation of an independent Islamic state.
- Muslims could practice their religion freely.
- All state affairs run as per Islamic injunctions.
India on the other hand due to the presence of multiple religious beliefs among its masses declared herself a secular state after independence. Though both states had predefined objectives but unfortunately they could not achieve them. There are many reasons of this failure, some of which have been discussed in below paragraphs.
Causes Of The Failure
Some of the major causes of Pakistan and India’s failure to fulfill their dreams are given below.
Role Of Political Parties: Those political parties that often makes government in both Pakistan and India have a major role in this regard. They either take no or very less interest in this matter.
In Pakistan political parties such as Jamiat-e-Islami, Jamiat-e-Ulema and many other similar small to medium scale political parties have motive of the implementation of Islamic system in the country but none of them have ever succeeded in making government in the capital city. Even if they succeed in future, still it would be much difficult for them to change the current political system of the country which is based on western political structure.
In India, the sitting Prime Minister Narrendra Modi belongs to an extremist Hindu political party BJP (Bahartiya Janata Party) which aims at converting India to a Hindu state. The prime minister and his party have already taken some steps in this regards such as Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) and National Register of Citizens (NRC). There are many other political parties in the country who apparently do not have shown same agenda but there objectives are similar to BJP.
OIC Failed To Achieve Its Objectives
Real Objectives Behind The Creation Of Both States: According to some historians there were also some hidden motives behind the creation of both Pakistan and India. These motives were those that were totally different from the apparent.
A separate state to rule, an economy to dominate and a separate market to occupy were some of the hidden objectives of a group of people behind the creation of Pakistan according to some historians. These people have no interest at all in the creation of an independent Islamic state.
Similarly for some people objectives behind the creation of India were to take control and rule the continent and to establish Hindu dominancy in the Sub-continent. One of their main objectives was to rule Muslims who had ruled them for centuries.
Role Of Political Elites: Political elites in both countries also have a major role in this regard. They also act as stumbling upon blocks in fulfilling these dreams.
In Pakistan political elites take every step in parliament to stop any rule from making that is truly based on Islamic principles. Their main objective is to stop country from moving towards Islamic system because in that their status, power and position in the society comes in danger. Islam stresses on equity, equality, equal justice and equal distribution of wealth in the society. All these and other similar Islamic principles are danger to their position in the society, so they tries to stops every such move that may possibly take the country towards Islamic pattern.
In India, political elites take every step in the parliament to move the country towards Hinduism instead of secularism because Hinduism strengthens their power, position and authority in society. Hinduism not only divided society into different ethnic classes but also confer different responsibilities on them. In this way high class like Brahmans under Hinduism enjoys all type of freedom and superiority while lower class becomes victim. Similarly Non-Hindus, called as Maleecha (impure) also stays at the mercy of high class.
Media and Film Industry Influence Over General Public in Both States: Media and film industry also has a great rule in this regard. They influenced public opinion in both Pakistan and India.
In Pakistan media channels broadcasts those programmes, dramas and films that represent and promote secular sentiments in general public rather than Islamic. In India, on the other hand, those films, dramas and programmes are broadcasted that represent and promote Hindu ideology rather than secular in public.
The above mentioned factors justify that Pakistan’s Islamism and India’s secularism are dreams unfulfilled. Every step taken by the political parties and governments in both states have taken the states away from their primary objective. In current scenario, it seems impossible that either Pakistan or India will fulfill its dream.
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