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Pakistan MCQs English – 3000 Basic To Advance Important MCQs

Pakistan MCQs English – 3000 Basic To Advance Important MCQs

11 The land area of Pakistan approximately equal to the total land area of which two European countries?

France and UK

12 The total length of Pakistan coastline is

1046 KM

Pakistan Army MCQs

13 What is the total length of Pak-Afghan border?

2430 KM

14 What is the total length of Pak-China border?

523 KM

15 What is the total length of Pak-Iran border?

909 KM

Pakistan Historical Places MCQs

16 What is the total length of Pak-India border?

2912 KM

17 What is the total length of Pakistan’s land borders?

6774 KM

18 With which country Pakistan shares longest border?



19 The second largest border of Pakistan is with


20 Wakhan corridor separates Pakistan from which country?


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