Pakistan Affairs MCQs For CSS PMS NTS And Lectureship Part IV
Pakistan Affairs MCQs For CSS PMS NTS And Lectureship Part IV. Pakistan Affairs MCQs For CSS PMS NTS And Lectureship Part IV.
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Pakistan Affairs MCQs For CSS PMS NTS And Lectureship Part IV
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1 With the issuance of Fatwa that India is Dar-ul-Harb, how many Muslims left their homes and migrated to Afghanistan?
Eighteen Thousands
2 Who were Moplahs of Malabar shores?
Some Arabian tribes
3 Moplah invited government annoyance by actively taking part in which movement?
Khilafat Movement
4 The British government of India arrested few Moplah who wanted to organize Khilafat movement in
5 When Gandhi intended to begin his Civil Disobedience Movement?
6 From where Civil Disobedience Movement began?
Chauri Chaura
7 When people of Chauri Chaura took out procession and refuse to pay government taxes?
5th February 1922
8 Who called off Non-Cooperation Movement?
9 Which Turkish Leader abolished the institution of Khilafat?
Mustafa Kamal Attaturk
10 Mustafa Kamal Attaturk established which type of government in Turkey?
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