OIC Failed To Achieve Its Objectives – 3 Powerful Reasons
The article discusses “OIC failed to achieve its objectives. OIC; A Failed Organisation. Irrelevance of OIC in global political scenario. Causes of OIC failures. Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its failures. OIC failed to achieve its objectives.”
Organization Of Islamic Cooperation – OIC Failed To Achieve Its Objectives

Organization of Islamic Cooperation, formerly known as Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was established on September 25, 1969. Basic idea behind the establishment of OIC was to create a platform through which Muslim world not only can propagate their combined point of view over a certain matter but can also take a united action. Unfortunately over the past five decades since its creation, the organization has failed on every ground and could not achieve its objectives.
Objectives Of OIC
Basic objective behind the creation of organization was to establish a platform that represent and propagate united voice of the Muslim world on a certain social or political matter as the organization itself slogan says “The collective voice of the Muslim world.” Other objectives include safeguarding and protecting interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony.
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Examples Of OIC Failure
In spite of passing more than fifty years the organization is still passing through its age of infancy and has failed to achieve its objectives on many fronts. Some major examples of the failure of Organization of Islamic Cooperation are given below.
Palestine Issue: Since 1948, Palestine Issue needs united and solid steps for its solution from Muslim world. Such steps can only be taken through Organization of Islamic Cooperation. In this regard unfortunately the organization has blatantly failed to take any meaningful step.
Kashmir Issue: Like Palestinians the people of Kashmir have always look towards the organization for moral and political support but unfortunately the organization has never considered it a serious issue and has never took any serious steps for their right of self-determination. The Saudi led OIC due to its economic ties with India has always stayed at back foot in Kashmir Issue.
Rohingya Muslims’ Genocide: In 2016-2017, Myanmar government started planned genocide of Muslims to decrease their population particularly in Rakhine state of the country. Having back of India, Myanmar government massacred thousands of innocent Muslims and raped hundreds of women but the organization except a few statements could not take any practical step for their rights and protection. Reason of silence was again the economic interests of member states particularly Saudi Arabia in the region. To keep their economic ties with India intact Saudi Arabia and other prominent member states of the organization remained silent on the issue.
Causes Of OIC Failures
There are many reasons that are responsible for the inactivity and failure of the organization. Some of them have been discussed in below paragraphs.
Arab-Ajam Division: Apparently the organization was meant to be for the welfare and protection of rights of Muslims all over the world but at its core it is divided into two major ethnic groups, that are, Arabs and Ajams. Those Muslims that belongs to Middle East and spoke Arabic language are Arabs while rest of the Muslim world is Ajam.
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As the organization is headed and funded mostly by Arab countries particularly by Saudi Arabia, so it keenly take interest in those matters that either directly or indirectly hurt Arab’s interest particularly of Saudi Arabia.
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) takes no or less interest in Palestine Issue due to political and ideological differences between Saudi Arabia and Palestine.
Centre of Influence: As the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) headed and funded Organization of Islamic Cooperation so the organization works at her will. Whenever her interest and the interests of other major members of the organization come in danger in a certain matter, the organization turned her back on it and stays silent and inactive.
For example in case of Kashmir issue the organization stay silent for most of the time over the atrocities of Indian army in Kashmir valley simply because KSA do not want to put her trade relations with India in danger.
Individual Interests Of The Member States: The organization also sometimes stay divided on certain matters due to difference in opinion of the member states. Sometimes this difference is based on real facts but most of the time due to individual interest of the member states differences is raised on mere speculations to halt action of the organization. In this way they secure their interests in a particular matter.
Objectives But No Objectives: Though the organization has clearly defined its objectives but its action shows as if it has no objectives at all. This is mainly due to Arab Ajam division, KSA control and individual interest of the member states.
Lack Of Military Wing: The organization lack a military wing that could put its words into action. In 2015, Saudi Arabia formed Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) to fight terrorist groups such as ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Most of the participants of IMCTC are member of OIC but it is not the organization military wing.
Powerful West: Powerful west and its influence on organization is also a reason of the failure of organization. West particularly United States of America (USA) exert its influence on the organization through its member states which are in one way or another dependent on USA and west. For example most of the Arab countries are dependent on west for its oil trade while some Ajam countries rely on USA for economic relief.
Lacklustre in Actions: Last but not the least, lacklustre in actions is also a reason of the failures of Organization of Islamic Cooperation. It has failed the organization many times to put her word into action.
OIC is an important international organization next to United Nations Organization (UNO) with 57 member states. The organisation was meant to be a powerful association of Muslim countries that could help and secure Muslims interests and protect their rights in whole world but unfortunately due to the above mentioned reasons OIC has failed to achieve its objectives.
Tags: OIC failed to achieve its objectives. OIC; A Failed Organisation. OIC failed to achieve its objectives. Irrelevance of OIC in global political scenario. OIC failed to achieve its objectives. Causes of OIC failures. OIC failed to achieve its objectives. Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its failures. OIC failed to achieve its objectives. OIC failed to achieve its objectives.
Comments ( 2 )
One of my teachers at academy used to say that it is not OIC, it is actually “Oh! I See”.
Hahaha! Nice to hear 👍