Quiz on Seas and Oceans With Answers
Quiz on Seas and Oceans With Answers. Interesting questions anbout the ocean. Ocean Quiz. Quiz on Seas and Oceans With Answers. Questions on oceans.
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Quiz on Seas and Oceans With Answers
1 How many oceans are in the world?
2 How much area does the ocean cover?
70.8 %
General Knowledge 3200 MCQs
3 What percentage of Earth’s surface does the Pacific Ocean cover?
30.5 %
4 Which is the biggest ocean in the world?
Pacific Ocean
5 Which is the second biggest ocean in the world?
Atlantic Ocean
6 Which is the third biggest ocean in the world?
Indian Ocean
7 Which is the fourth biggest ocean in the world?
Southern Ocean
8 Which is the fifth biggest ocean in the world?
Arctic Ocean
9 What percentage of Earth’s surface does the Atlantic Ocean cover?
10 What percentage of Earth’s surface does the Indian Ocean cover?
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