Names Of Prophets in Quran MCQs
Names Of Prophets in Quran MCQs. Names Of Prophets in Quran MCQs.
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Names Of Prophets in Quran MCQs
1 In which Sura Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been mention as Ahmed (PBUH)?
2 How many times the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been mentioned in the Quran?
Four (4) Times
3 In Holy Quran, how many Surahs are by the name of Prophets?
Six (6) Surahs
4 What are the names of Prophets, with whose names, there are Suras in Holy Quran?
Yunus (PBUH), Hud (PBUH), Yusuf (PBUH), Ibraheem (PBUH), Nuh (PBUH), Muhammad (PBUH)
5 How many names of Prophets have been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
Twenty Six (26) Names
6 What is the name of the Prophet that has not been mentioned by the name in the Holy Quran?
Prophet Samuel (PBUH)
7 Another important and noble personality that Quran has mentioned by his name but is silent about his Prophet hood is
Uzair (AS), Also called as Ezra
8 In which Sura, 18 names of Prophets are mentioned?
9 Total how many times Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been mentioned in the Quran?
Five (5) Times (Four times Muhammad and One time Ahmad)
10 The number of non-Prophetic persons mentioned in the Holy Quran is?
Thirteen (13)
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