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My Body My Choice Pakistan CSS

My Body My Choice Pakistan CSS

The article discusses “My Body My Choice Pakistan. My Body My Choice history. Mera Jism Meri Marzi. My Body My Choice Pakistan. Haya March.”

My Body My Choice Pakistan

My Body My Choice is a feminist slogan raised by philogynists throughout the world to highlight women issues and demand more freedom and liberty for them. The campaign aims at highlighting women issues that are particularly related to abortion choice and bodily autonomy. In Pakistan the campaign works under the slogan of ‘Mera Jism Meri Marzi’. Its short history has been given in below paragraphs. 

Women Rights Issue in Pakistan

My Body My Choice History – Aurat March Pakistan 

The slogan ‘My Body My Choice’ was used for the first time in seventeenth and eighteenth by Landlords who were against capitalism and wanted to recognize bonded labors’ body as private property and extend their right of ownership over them. 

For feminist purposes the slogan was raised for the first time in 1970 by some western feminists during their struggle for reproductive rights.

In Pakistan the slogan ‘Mera Jism Meri Marzi (My Body My Choice)’ popularized when it was used in 2018 Aurat March that was observed on International Women’s Day. Since then the slogan is in use and feminists in Pakistan with each passing day are raising the slogan with more harsh intensity.

What Type Of Feminism Do We Need in Pakistan?

Mera Jism Meri Marzi Pakistan

my body my choice pakistan

In 2018 Aurat March, feminists in Pakistan raised the slogan ‘Mera Jism Meri Marzi’ for the first time by holding controversial placard that were greatly criticized by the general public. The slogan and Aurat March gained much public attention again in 2020, when some feminists raised the slogan with stern intensity on print, electronic and social media after a controversial debate that occurred between Khalil ur Rehman and Marvi Sarmad on Neo News channel. T.V. drama writer and director Khalil ur Rehman and social worker Marvi Sarmad during a debate on a private news channel exchanged some harsh words while discussing the slogan and its consequences. After this the feminists came forward in support of Marvi Sarmad and the slogan was debated on every platform.

Feminist Movements in Pakistan

What Its Supporters Say?

The supporters of Mera Jism Meri Marzi argued that the slogan has been misinterpreted by the critics. It never aims to promoting vulgarity, prostitution and other social evils in the society. The campaign wants to highlight women issues in Pakistan with a new slogan.

Pak MCQs

What The Critics Say?

The critics argued that if the campaign and the slogan have no evil intentions then why they have held placards that were filled with vulgar slogans and pictures. They could highlighted women issues without using obscene language.

Status Of Women’s And Gender Studies In Pakistan

Haya March

To record their protest against the controversial Aurat March, many Pakistani women held ‘Haya March (Modesty March)’ by raising slogans like Mein Bahaya Mein Bawaqar. The campaign was not broadcasted by many Media News Channels but still it was discussed and appreciated by the general public on many social media platforms.  

My Body My Choice Pakistan – Decoding On Religious And Social Grounds

Can Pakistan being an Islamic Republic state grant such freedom and rights to women in its society? Is Pakistani society ready for such changes, demand and its consequences? To know the answer of these questions we have to analyze the campaign both on religious and social grounds.

Western Versus Islamic Feminism

Will Religion Permit It?

Islam has granted all basic rights to women 1400 years ago in a time when people used to bury daughters alive in Middle Eastern countries. In West women were considered inferior to men and had no rights at all. Their condition in East was also not much different. In such circumstances, Islam raised the status of women in society and gave her the right of inheritance, property, dowry and freedom of choice. She was given the right to have a say in marriage and her willing in marriage was made compulsory. To further highlight her status in society, Islam said ‘‘Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother’’ (Haith – Ahmad, Nisai).

Islam never grants such rights to any human being on the following basis.

  • Islam stresses on modest behavior and action in every aspect of life. It has never given complete freedom to either men or women. In such circumstances when Islam is deadly against extreme actions, the demands of such extreme rights are openly against the principles and injunctions of Islam.
  • Abortion in simple words means the killing of an unwanted innocent child before birth. It therefore falls in the category of killing which is strictly prohibited in Islam. If a couple or more precisely a woman do not want child, she should take steps before pregnancy but it is both morally and religiously wrong to kill an innocent child who has not yet born. In Islam every living being has the right to live.
  • Similarly Islam has also clearly stated punishments for actions that may promote adultery, vulgarity and indecency in society. The slogan and placards of the campaign clearly promoting indecency in society that is against both religious and social principles.

Will Our Society Accept It?

The social, political and economic pattern of Pakistani society is based on Islamic ideology. Punjab is relatively more developed, advance and modern province than rest of the provinces in Pakistan and every year Aurat March is held enthusiastically in this province but still it seems impossible that its people will accept any such demand.

The people of Pakistan are Muslims not only by faith but also by heart and deeds. Such campaigns and demands are not only against their customs and traditions but these will also destroy their family system.

The Real Dilemma

The real dilemma of Aurat March and its demands is that the campaign is held and supported mostly by women that belongs to either upper class or to families that love and live western lifestyle. Women with such ideas and demands have very low percentage in society. Majority of middle and poor class women are deadly against the campaign and its demands. According to them they are living happy lives and have every right in the society. In such case prioritizing the demands of few over majority is wrong both socially and morally.


Women in Pakistan are facing some serious problems such as gender based discrimination, gender base violence and lack of right to have a say in their social matters. There is a dire need that these problems should be solved but it is wrong that a group of women should use them to demand rights that are religiously, morally and socially wrong.

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Comment ( 1 )

  1. Asalmu alikum readers!
    In the above article I have presented my opinion against the campaign and the slogan. It is possible that question may be asked in a way in which candidates can take either anti or pro stance. Those who wants to take pro stance they can do so easily by highlighting women issues in our society but as the campaign has been criticized both by the men and women in our society so I believe ant stance would be more perfect. Rest is up to you.

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