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Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges CSS – 14 Great Challenges

Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges CSS – 14 Great Challenges

The article discusses “Muslim world and the contemporary challenges. CSS. Challenges faced by Islam in the 21st century. Current challenges faced by Muslim Ummah and their solution. Muslim world and the contemporary challenges. Islam and its challenges in the modern world. Challenges of Islam in the modern world. Muslim world and the contemporary challenges.”

Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges

Though the downfall of Muslim World had started after the collapse of mighty Muslim rule of Baghdad in 1258 by Mongol forces it however got a momentum after the disintegration of Turk Usmani Caliphate in 1923. Since then the Muslim world is in tight grip of many social, political and economic problems. Today the Muslim World is facing numerous challenges. In below paragraphs we have highlighted some of the important issues that the Muslim World is facing today.

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Current Challenges Faced By Muslim Ummah and Their Solution

muslim world and the contemporary challenges

Challenges faced by the Muslim World can be categorized as Internal and External. Internal challenges are those faced by the Muslim World because of their internal issues and in-capabilities. External challenges on the other hand are those faced by the Muslim world because of international factors.

Some of the common internal challenges faced by the Muslim World are given below.

Islamophobia is Not Freedom Of Speech

Muslim Ummah today lacks a public figure that Muslims wholeheartedly could call their leader and he could collect them under his leadership. In Muslim World leadership crisis exists on every level. We can see it from state to community level. Majority of Muslim leaders are corrupt and incapable.

Sadly Muslim Ummah today has divided itself into different sects. This division has created many created many problems for them. The most common problem is the outbreak of sectarian clashes from time to time in countries where different sects of Muslims are living together. Most of the time enemies are behind the outbreak of these clashes. These collisions not only weaken Muslims but also results in the destruction of million dollars infrastructure.

The Role Of Islam in Modern World

Another major problem of Muslim World is its division on national basis. Today Muslim World is mainly divided into Arab and Non- Arab (Ajam) world. This division has not only weakened Muslim World but also created leadership crisis. Whereas Arab world particularly Saudi Arabia felt proud on its race and Holy Places of Islam the Non Arabs such as Turkey and Pakistan are arrogant over their scientific and technological development and success.

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High rate of illiteracy and uncontrolled population explosion are the next two major challenges of Muslim World. The two major reasons responsible for high illiteracy rate are poverty and poor schooling system.

The exploitation of the concept of Jihad by some Mullaas who are the puppet of enemies has always created many problems for the Muslims of all over the world. In recent past terrorist groups shook many Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt with their suicide attacks and bomb blasts. This cost the loss of thousands of innocent lives and billion dollars infrastructure. 

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Weak economic structure of Muslim countries is another major challenge faced by the Muslim World today. Major reasons are political instability, poor administrative structure and weak economic policies. In today’s world economic stability plays an important role. If a country is economically independent it can take any step freely. Unfortunately majority of Muslim countries today lacks economic independency.

Muslim World today also faces social, political and economic instability and the problem of poor administration. These problems as a whole have created many challenges for the Muslim Ummah.

Muslim countries have the highest ratio of young population in the world but unfortunately due to illiteracy and unemployment they are perishing. Majority of our youth in search of jobs fell in the hands of wrong people who exploits them for their own ill objectives.

Brain drain is one of the major reasons of social, political, economic, scientific and technological downfall of Muslim World today. Majority of our skilled labours and scholars in search of good life and other economic benefits migrate to other countries.

Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) failed to play any important role in the social, political and economic uplift of Muslims. It failed to achieve its objectives.

Some of the major external challenges faced by the Muslim World are given below.

On international level a sudden rise in Islamophobia is one of the major external challenges faced by the Muslim World today. Islamophobia means the fear, hatred or prejudice against the religion of Islam or Muslims in any form. It got a momentum in recent past when some prejudice, politically immature leaders such as French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took part in it.

Another major challenge is the terrorist funding by the enemies to weaken Muslims morally, socially and economically. Similarly planned outbreak of communal and sectarian clashes in Muslim countries also aimed the same things.

In twenty first century, terrorism and war on terror alone has created many social, political and economic problems for Muslim world. Terrorist groups are raised and funded in Muslim World by the enemies and then a war is started for curbing them. In this way Muslims are targeted from two fronts.

Another major external challenge of Muslim World is the clash between Islam and science. Today people including a major proportion of Muslims look towards science for the answer of their questions. As science is the output of man’s understanding of the world, it is not perfect. So in some cases it contradicts with the teachings of Islam. This is where Muslims get confused.

Tags: Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges. Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges. Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges. Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges. Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges. Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges.

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