Most Commonly Confusing Words In English Part X
I have collected a few most commonly confusing words. These words almost pronounced same but they have different meanings and so is different their use. Please keep in mind that in English language each word gives different meaning at different time depending upon its use. In this post I have just pointed out only that meaning of every word that can help you to keep their difference in mind. I hope you would like my effort. I have tried my best to avoid any mistake but still if you find any, please point out that by commenting in the comment box.
1 Difference between Rain and Reign:
Rain means water drops falling from sky after condensation of moisture in the air while Reign means hold royal position in a country.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Rain for water drops has ‘‘A and I’’ in between ‘‘R’’ and ‘‘N’’ while Reign for royal position has ‘‘E, I and G’’ in between ‘‘R’’ and ‘‘N’’.
2 Difference between Reign and Rein:
Reign means hold a royal status in a state while Rein means a strap used for controlling a horse during ride.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Reign for royal status has a ‘‘G’’ after ‘‘I’’ while Rein for strap has no ‘‘G’’.
3 Difference between Right and Rite:
Right means true while Rite means ceremony.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Right for true has ‘‘G and H’’ in between ‘‘I’’ and ‘‘T’’ while Rite for ceremony has no ‘‘G and H’’ in between ‘‘R’’ and ‘‘T’’ but it has ‘‘E’’ in the end.
4 Difference between Rite and Write:
Rite means ceremony while Write means to put down in alphabetical or numerical form on a sheet.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Write for expressing idea in alphabetical form has ‘‘W’’ in the beginning while Rite for ceremony has no ‘‘W’’ in start.
5 Difference between Root and Rout:
Root means the underground part of a plant while Rout means to defeat an enemy or put to flight.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Root for plant’s underground part has two ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘R’’ and it do not contain a ‘‘U’’ while Rout for defeat has one ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘R’’ and it is followed by a ‘‘U’’.
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6 Difference between Rout and Route:
Rout means to defeat an enemy while Route means a passage or a way.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Route for passage has an ‘‘E’’ in the end while Rout for defeat has no ‘‘E’’.
7 Difference between Reverend and Reverent:
Reverend means worthy of reverence or deserved to be treated with respect while Reverent means showing reverence.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Reverend for worthy of respect has a ‘‘D’’ in the end while Reverent for showing reverence has a ‘‘T’’ in the end.
8 Difference between Rob and Steal:
Rob means to take away by force while steal means to take away something from somebody secretly.
9 Difference between Raise and Raze:
Raise means to lift up while Raze means to destroy completely.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Raise for lift up has an ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ and it is then followed by ‘‘S’’ while Raze for destroy has no ‘‘I’’ and it has ‘‘Z’’ instead of ‘‘S’’.
10 Difference between Rest and Wrest:
Rest means the condition of being free from activity while Wrest means to take by force.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Wrest for taking something by force has ‘‘W’’ in the beginning while Rest has no ‘‘W’’.
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