Most Commonly Confusing Words In English Part XI
I have collected a few most commonly confusing words. These words almost pronounced same but they have different meanings and so is different their use. Please keep in mind that in English language each word gives different meaning at different time depending upon its use. In this post I have just pointed out only that meaning of every word that can help you to keep their difference in mind. I hope you would like my effort. I have tried my best to avoid any mistake but still if you find any, please point out that by commenting in the comment box.
1 Difference between Ring and Wring:
Ring means circular band of gold or platinum while Wring means twist and squeeze tightly.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Wring for squeeze has a ‘‘W’’ in the start while Ring has no ‘‘W’’.
2 Difference between Sale and Sail:
Sale means exchange of goods for money while Sail means move forward across the sea or lake by means of a sail or sails.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Sale for exchange of goods has an ‘‘E’’ in the end while Sail has an ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ and it contain no ‘‘E’’ in the end.
3 Difference between Stationary and Stationery:
Stationary means fixed, not movable while Stationery means writing material.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Stationary for fixed has an ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘N’’ while Stationery for writing material has an ‘‘E’’ instead of ‘‘A’’.
4 Difference between Storey and Story:
Storey means level while story means account of past events.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Storey for level has an ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘R’’ while Story has no ‘‘E’’.
5 Difference between Sole and Soul:
Sole means under-part of human foot while Soul means non-material part of human body believed to exist for ever.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Soul has a ‘‘U’’ after ‘‘O’’ while Sole has no ‘‘U’’ but it has an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
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6 Difference between Soar and Sore:
Soar means fly high up in the air while Sore means tender and painful.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Soar for high fly has an ‘‘A’’ after ‘‘O’’ while Sore has no ‘‘A’’ but it has an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
7 Difference between Sore and Sour:
Sore means painful while Sour means having sharp taste.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Sore for painful has an ‘‘E’’ in the end while Sour for taste has no ‘‘E’’ in the end but it has a ‘‘U’’ after ‘‘O’’.
8 Difference between Soot and Suit:
Soot means black powder left by smoke while Suit means satisfy.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Soot for black powder has two ‘‘O’’ between ‘‘S and T’’ while Suit has ‘‘U and I’’ between ‘‘S and T’’.
9 Difference between Suit and Suite:
Suit means appropriate while Suite means set of rooms.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Suite for set of rooms has an ‘‘E’’ in the end while Suit for appropriate has no ‘‘E’’ in the end.
10 Difference between Statue and Statute:
Statue means a figure of a person or a thing in wood, stone or bronze etc while Statute means written law passed by the law making body of a state.
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