Most Commonly Confusing Words In English Part IX
I have collected a few most commonly confusing words. These words almost pronounced same but they have different meanings and so is different their use. Please keep in mind that in English language each word gives different meaning at different time depending upon its use. In this post I have just pointed out only that meaning of every word that can help you to keep their difference in mind. I hope you would like my effort. I have tried my best to avoid any mistake but still if you find any, please point out that by commenting in the comment box.
1 Difference between Plan and Plane:
Plan means something considered in advance while Plane means a level of development.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Plan for arrangement has no ‘‘E’’ while Plane for level of development has an ‘‘E’’ in the end.
2 Difference between Plane and Plain:
Plane means level of development while plain means area of level country.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that plane for level of development has no ‘‘I’’ and it contain an ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘N’’ while Plain for area of level country has an ‘‘I’’ after ‘‘A’’ and it contain no ‘‘E’’.
3 Difference between Practice and Practise:
Practice means to recommend someone to do a particular act while Practise means to do an act.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Practice for recommendation has a ‘‘C’’ after ‘‘I’’ while Practise has an ‘‘S’’ instead of ‘‘C’’.
4 Difference between Prescribe and Proscribe:
Prescribe means say with order what course of action is to be followed while Proscribe means to prohibit legally.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Prescribe for order use has an ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘R’’ while Proscribe for prohibition has an ‘‘o’’ instead of ‘‘E’’.
5 Difference between Proceed and Precede:
Proceed means to go forward while Precede mans to come before.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Proceed for forward movement has an ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘R’’ and it has two ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘C’’ while Precede for come before has an ‘‘E’’ instead of ‘‘O’’ and it has one ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘C’’ and one ‘‘D’’.
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6 Difference between Persecute and Prosecute:
Persecute means to punish or treat cruelly due to religious beliefs while Prosecute means to institute legal hearing against a person.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Persecute for punishment has an ‘‘E’’ immediately after ‘‘P’’ while Prosecute for legal hearing has an ‘‘O’’ after ‘‘R’’.
7 Difference between Pendent and Pendant:
Pendent means hanging while Pendant means an ornament which hangs down.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Pendent for hanging has an ‘‘E’’ after ‘‘D’’ while Pendant for ornament has an ‘‘A’’ instead of ‘‘E’’.
8 Difference between Physique and Physic:
Physique means bodily health while Physic means medicine.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Physique has ‘‘Q, U and E’’ after ‘‘I’’ while Physic for medicine has a ‘‘C’’ after ‘‘I’’.
9 Difference between Physic and Physics:
Physic means medicine while Physics is a branch of science.
To keep their difference in mind please remember that Physics for field of science has an ‘‘S’’ in the end while Physic has no ‘‘S’’ in the end.
10 Difference between Profit and Prophet:
Profit means gain while Prophet means one who predicts.
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