MCQs Of Political Science Part II. MCQs Of Political Science Part II. MCQs Of Political Science Part II.
MCQs Of Political Science Part II
1 The book ‘The Art of War’ is written
2500 years ago
2 A necessary moral code for conducting the business of the state is called
3 ‘Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ is the famous quotation of
Lord Acton
4 In Federation, the federating units are united by
Central government
5 The main book which presents the Montesquieu philosophy is
The Spirit of Laws
6 Leviathan is written by
7 Al Farabi made ever lasting contribution to
Political Thoughts
8 Al Farabi translated the work of
9 Al Ghazali was appointed in Nizamia College as a professor of
10 Asbiyah was the term used by the