MCQs Of Muslim Law And Jurisprudence Part III
91 Maternity is the legal relation between the mother and her
92 A bequest in Islam is a
93 The term Wajib means an act the performance of which is ______ for the object.
94 Wajib Mutlaq is an act whose performance has been demanded by the Lawgiver but He has not fixed a _________ for its performance.
Definite time
95 When an act is performed properly it is deemed as
Valid (Sahih)
96 The proper classification of laws was first provided by the Hanafi jurists including
Al Sarakhsi
97 Hanafites divide Ikrah into
Three types
98 Ikrah is a situation in which a person is forced to do something
Without his willingness
99 Ijma means
Consensus of legal opinion
100 The majority of Jurists divided the Muttasil Hadiths into
Two types
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