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MCQs Of Computer – MS Word – Chapter IV

MCQs Of Computer – MS Word – Chapter IV

11 Shortcut key for pasting text is

Ctrl + V

12 Shortcut key for opening column dialog box is

Alt + O + C

13 For detecting spelling and grammar mistakes shortcut key is


14 Shortcut key for breaking the current column to start a new immediately is

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

15 How MS Word can be instructed to stop bulleting the paragraphs?

Pressing Enter key twice

16 Another way of stopping bulleting paragraphs is

Pressing the backspace button

17 The third method of stopping bulleting paragraphs is

Click on the bullets button

18 For changing fonts and their size which toolbar we use?


19 Header and footer of a document can be view either in

Print lay out view, Print preview

20 Short key for paragraph formatting is

Ctrl + Q

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