MCQs Of Computer – MS Word – Chapter III
11 MS Word converts document content to HTML when you try to save the file as
Webs Page
12 MS Word by default format each heading in table of content as
13 Indexes, Footnotes and Endnotes, all are inserted as
Word Fields
14 Shortcut Key for left alignment of the text is
Ctrl + L
15 Which menu is used for inserting footer?
Insert, header and footer
16 For inserting header which menu is used?
Insert, header and footer
17 On MS Word status bar EXT indicator shows that
Whether Extended Selection mode is on or off
18 Clip art task pane open when we click on
Insert >> Picture >> Clip Art
19 Shortcut Key for rectangular selection is
Ctrl + Shift + F8
20 Which feature converts the whole text into Capital letters?
All Caps
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