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MCQs Of History Of USA – Part V

MCQs Of History Of USA – Part V

61-The Three electors of Washington, D.C have been allowed by the _________ Amendment.


62-To become President, a candidate must win ________ votes.


63-The winner candidate of US presidential election, sworn into office at noon on ____________.

January 20

64-President Trump is the ________ president of USA.


65-In case of no absolute majority, the president is then chosen by the ____________ from top three presidential vote-getters.

House of Representatives

66-In case of no absolute majority, the vice-president is then chosen by the House of Representatives from to ________ vice presidential vote-getters.


67-Untill ________ presidential winner used to sworn into office on _________.

1937, 4th March

68-With the passage of __________ Amendment, the date of presidential inauguration was moved to __________ from ___________.

20th, 20th January, 4th March

69- ___________ is the only US president that served for more than Two terms.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

70-In September 11, 2001 attacks a total of ________ civilians and _________ hijackers perished.

2977, 19

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