MCQs Of History Of USA – Part V
21-Cold war lasted for almost _________ years.
22-USA did not recognized USSR for almost __________ years after Bolshevik takeover.
23-After World War II, in Eastern Germany, a ________ regime was elected.
24-Bretton Wood Conference was held in Bretton Wood, ____________ in ____________.
New Hampshire, July 1944
25-Bretton Wood Conference was called for discussing the __________.
Post-War World
26-In Bretton Wood Conference, world’s two major financial institutions ___________ and ___________ were created.
World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
27-Western Germany emerged as independent in __________.
28-Berlin, after World War II was also divided into ________ and ________ Berlin.
East, West
29-Germany was reunified in ___________.
30-The term “Iron Curtain” was used for the first time by _________ in __________.
Winston Churchill, 1946
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