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MCQs Of History Of USA – Part III

MCQs Of History Of USA – Part III

41-Kansas was admitted to the Union as a slave-free state on __________.

January 29th 1861

42-The State of __________ issued its ‘‘Declaration of the Causes of Secession’’ when Abraham Lincoln won the election in 1860.


43-Before Lincoln was even president, ___________ states had seceded from the Union and had formed Confederation.


44-The event that triggered Civil War (1861-65) came at Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay on _________ when Confederate army opened fire on the Union army federal garrison.

April 2, 1861

45-By the time when Lincoln called out the militia to supress the insurrection of Confederation ________ more states seceded Union and joined Confederacy.


46-After Lincoln won the election in 1860, seven states of the ___________ America seceded the Union and formed the Confederacy States of America.


47-President Lincoln issued Emancipation Proclamation on ___________.

January 1, 1863

48-The Emancipation Proclamation freed some __________ millions slaves in the rebel states.


49-After Emancipation Proclamation some __________ black soldiers had joined the Union army by the time the war came to an end in 1865.


50-In Civil War almost _________ black soldiers lost their lives.


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