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MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I

MCQs Of History Of USA – Part I

81-When and where the First Continental Congress met?

5 September 1774, Philadelphia

82-When and where the Second Continental Congress met?

May 10, 1775

83-Second Continental Congress appointed who as the Commander-in-Chief of the continental army?

George Washington

84-The Declaration of Independence was framed by which congress?

Second Continental

85-After the Declaration of Independence, what the colonies did?

Formed a Union under the Articles of Confederation

86-When British recognized the independence of initial thirteen colonies of the present day America?


87-US war of independence was brought to a conclusion by which treaty?

Treaty of Paris, 1783

88-The Articles of Confederation were drafted and passed by the Congress in which year?

November 1777

89-When Shay’s Rebellion began?


90-US Constitution is comprised of about how many words and how many pages?

4000 words, 10 – 12 pages

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