Political System Of Pakistan MCQs
Political system of Pakistan MCQs. General knowledge about politics of Pakistan. Political system of Pakistan MCQs. Political history of Pakistan. MCQs about the political structure of Pakistan. MCQs about political system of Pakistan. MCQs on politics in Pakistan. Political system of Pakistan MCQs.
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Political System Of Pakistan MCQs
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1 The official name of Pakistan is
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
2 Pakistan is a
Republican country
3 Republic Day of Pakistan is celebrated on
23rd March
4 The First Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on
March 23, 1956
5 The Second Constitution of Pakistan came into effect on
June 8, 1961
6 The Third Constitution of Pakistan was enforced on
August 14, 1973
7 Pakistan is a
Federal Republic
8 The government structure of Pakistan is
Federal Parliamentary System
9 In Pakistan, the head of State is
10 In Pakistan, the head of government is
Prime Minister
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