Constitutional History Of Pakistan MCQs
Constitutional history of Pakistan MCQs. Pakistan constitutional history MCQs. MCQs about 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. Constitution of Pakistan. Constitutional history of Pakistan MCQs.
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Constitutional History Of Pakistan MCQs
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1 After independence Pakistan adopted ___________ as the interim Constitution.
Government of India Act 1935
2 The Constitution making history of Pakistan is comprised of how many constituent assemblies?
3 The First Constituent Assembly worked from
1947 to 1954
4 The Second Constituent Assembly worked from
1955 to 1956
5 The Third Constituent Assembly worked from
1972 to 1973
6 The First Constituent Assembly met on
August 10, 1947
7 The First Constituent Assembly was assigned how many jobs?
8 One of the jobs of the First Constituent Assembly was
The framing of Constitution
9 The second important job of the Constituent Assembly of 1947, was to
Act Federal Parliament
10 The First Constituent Assembly was to act as Federal Parliament until
The adaptation of Constitution
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