MCQs About Mountain Ranges in Pakistan
21 What is the name of highest peak of the Koh-e-Sufaid range?
22 At where the Hindu Kush range started?
Pamir Plateau
23 Hindu Kush ranges are situated from
North to West
24 What is the average height of Koh-e-Sufaid?
3000 meters
25 What is maximum height of the Kirthar range?
2150 meters
26 The height of Takht-e-Sulaiman Peak is
3500 meters
27 The measured height of Sakasar peak is
1500 meters
28 What is the average height of Salt range?
675 meters
29 What is the height of Potwar Plateau?
300 – 600 meters
30 What is average height of the Chaghi range?
3000 meters
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