Amendments in Constitution Of Pakistan MCQs
Amendments in constitution of Pakistan MCQs. MCQs about Pakistan Constitutional Amendments. Constitutional history of pakistan MCQs. 1973 Constitution of Pakistan. MCQs about amendments to the 1973 constitution of Pakistan. Amendments in constitution of Pakistan MCQs. Amendments in constitution of Pakistan 1973
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Amendments in Constitution Of Pakistan MCQs
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1 The First Amendment to the 1973 Constitution was enacted on
May 4, 1974
2 The first amendment
Redefined the boundaries
3 The Second Amendment to the 1973 Constitution was enacted on
September 7, 1974
4 The Second Amendment
Declared Qadyanis as minority
5 The Third Amendment to the 1973 Constitution was enacted on
February 18, 1975
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6 The Third Amendment
Extended the period of preventive detention
7 The Fourth Amendment to the 1973 Constitution was enacted on
November 21, 1975
8 The Fourth Amendment
Additional seats to minorities
9 The Fifth Amendment to the 1973 Constitution was enacted on
September 5, 1976
10 The Fifth Amendment
Restrictions on High Courts increased
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