Largest Longest Highest Tallest and Smallest in World MCQs
11 Which is the oldest freshwater lake in the world?
Lake Baikal
12 Which is the largest freshwater lake in the world on the basis of surface area?
Lake Superior
13 What is the World’s Largest Rough Diamond?
The Cullinan Diamond
14 What is the wolrd’s tallest Tsunami?
Lituya Bay (Alaska 9 July 1958), 1720 feet high
15 Which is the world highest waterfall?
Angel Falls (Salto Ángel)
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16 Where is the world’s highest waterfall?
17 What is the height of Angel Falls?
3230 feet
18 Which is the world’s highest ever recorded earthquake?
9.5 Magnitude (May 22, 1960) Chile
19 Which is the deepest part of the ocean?
Challenger Deep
20 What is the depth of Challenger Deep?
10,994 meters (36,070 feet) below the sea level
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