KPK PMS Chemistry Paper II – 2008
KPK PMS Chemistry Paper II – 2008
Note: Read the following instructions carefully.
- Attempt any Five questions
- All questions carry equal marks
- Extra attempt of any question or any part will not be considered
- Candidates must draw two straight lines at the end to separate each question in answer book.
Question 1: Answer the following questions.
- Draw the MO diagram of CO and CN?
- Draw the structure of the following molecules on the basis of Hybridization.
Example molecule 1, Example molecule 2
- Differentiate between order of reaction and molecularity?
Question 2: Answer the following questions.
- Give an example of 2nd order reaction? Explain that hydrolysis of an ester is a pseudo first order reaction? Why?
- What is the effect of temperature on the value of rate constant?
- Differentiate between adsorption and chemisorption?
Question 3: Answer the following questions.
- How the surface area of a substance can be determined?
- Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous?
- What is conformational analysis?
Question 4: Answer the following questions.
- Define fermentation? Give its importance?
- How primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol can be prepared by Grignard’s regerent?
- Explain the term Diazonium salts?
Question 5: Answer the following questions.
- How aromatic amino compounds can be prepared on laboratory scale as well as industrial scale?
- How aldehyde and Ketone can be converted into simple alkanes and carboxylic acid? Give chemical reactions?
- Convert the followings,
- Benzene to Benzophenone
- Benzene to Phenol
- Salicylic to Aspirin
- Benzaldehyde to Benzoin
- O-xylene to Phathalic acid
Question 6: Answer the following questions.
- How oils can be converted into fats? Give chemical reaction with catalyst.
- What are the benefits of vitamins for human body?
- Differentiate between monosaccharaides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides?
Question 7: Answer the following questions.
- Give the preparatory methods of antibiotics?
- Give some examples of organic polymers and their synthesis?
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