KPK PMS Botany Paper II – 2008
KPK PMS Botany Paper II – 2008
Note: Read the following instructions carefully.
- Attempt any Five questions
- All questions carry equal marks
- Extra attempt of any question or any part will not be considered
- Candidates must draw two straight lines at the end to separate each question in answer book.
Question 1: What are the morphological and biochemical adaptations of CAM plants that help them survive in the deserts?
Question 2: How do plant hormones differ from animal hormones? Describe the psychological effects of ethylene in plants.
Question 3: Discuss various edaphic and biotic factors in relation to plant growth.
Question 4: Answer the following questions.
- What is plant succession? Give detailed account of plant succession starting in a lake.
- Write a note on ‘‘pollution and conservation of natural resources’’.
Question 5: Describe ultrastructure of cell membrane and chloroplast along with suitable illustrations.
Question 6: ‘‘Each gene must have a structure that allows controlling substances to recognize the gene, bind to it, and activate it at proper time’’. Elaborate the statement.
Question 7: What is gene mutation? Give a critical account of various types of mutations and their significance.
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