MCQs Of KP Right To Public Services Act
11 “Prescribed” means prescribed by rules and regulations made under
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Right to Public Services Act 2014
12 “Public service” mean any service or services notified by Government, under
The section 4 of this Act
13 “Regulations” mean regulations made under
This Act
14 “Rules” mean rules made under
This Act
15 “Specified time limit” means the time limit within which _______________ is required to provide service as specified under ___________.
The designated officer, Sub-section (1) of section 4
16 In case of rejection of application for any services on any ground, a person may submit an appeal to Appellate Authority, within a period of ________ from the date of such rejection.
Thirty (30) days
17 In case the appellant or the designated officer is aggrieved of a final order passed by the Appellate Authority in result of an appeal, he may prefer an appeal to the Commission, within ____________ of issuance of such final order of the Appellate Authority.
Fifteen (15) days
18 The appeal of aggrieved officer or person shall be disposed off within _________ of the receipt of the appeal.
Thirty (30) days
19 Any other matter or complaint, to be adjudicated bythe Commission, may be disposedoff, within a period of ______________ from the date of receipt of such -complaint or entrustment of such matter, as the case may be.
Sixty (60) days
20 While deciding an appeal, the Appellate Authority shall have the same powers as are vested in the ____________ under the Code of __________.
Civil Court, Civil Procedure 1908
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