Kashmir Issue MCQs – 30 Important MCQs
11 When Indian troops landed in Kashmir valley for its acquisition?
27th October 1947
12 When Pakistan and India fought third war over Kashmir?
13 For how much money British Indian Government had sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh?
7.5 million
14 British Indian Government had sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh in 1846 through the treaty of
15 Who was the ruler of Kashmir at the time of Partition of Subcontinent?
Harri Singh
16 When United Nations Security Council passed its first resolution regarding Kashmir Issue?
3rd August 1948
17 How much per cent area of Kashmir is controlled by Pakistan?
30 per cent
18 Which Indian political party’s government revoked Article 370 of Indian Constitution?
Bharat Janta Party (BJP)
19 When was Article 370 revoked?
5th August 2019
20 How much area of Kashmir falls under the domain of China?
15 per cent
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