Kaaba Important Info MCQs 10 Important MCQs
Kaaba Important Info MCQs. Kaaba Important Info MCQs.
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Kaaba Important Info MCQs
1 In which Surah, Allah has declared Kaaba as the first ever House of Worship on the earth?
Surah Al Imran
2 Kaaba was first of all built by?
3 Kaaba is also called as?
Bait ul Ateef
4 Ghelaf-e-Kaaba is changed?
9th Zilhajj
5 The Ghilaf-e-Kaaba contains?
150 kilo Gold and Silver
6 Ghilaf-e-Kaaba is composed of?
47 Parts
7 The preparation o Ghelaf-e-Kaaba takes?
One year
8 Ghelaf-e-Kaaba is also called?
9 Ghelaf-e-Kaaba is changed how often?
Each year at 9th Zilhajj
10 The first circle around the Kaaba is called?
Masjid e Haram
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