Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact CSS
The article discusses “Islamic worships spiritual moral and social impact. Impacts of Islamic worships. PDF. CSS Notes. Islamiat. Islamic Studies. Islamic worships spiritual moral and social impact.”
Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact
From the perspective of Holy Quran, Allah has created human beings for His worship. When all creatures of the universe particularly Angels worships Allah, then why He created us? Simple answer is to test us by giving us free will. Islamic worship unlike worship of other religions have deep and direct impacts on the spiritual, moral and social life of people. Some of these impacts have been discussed in below paragraphs.
It important to understand here the different concepts of worship before analyzing its impacts in detail. Khurshed Ahmed in his book “Islami Nazrea-i-Hayat” has identified three of them. According to him one group of people worships God to get benefits only. They considered worship no more than flattery of God. For another group of people worship is the sole purpose of life. They therefore renounce worldly life completely and spend their whole life worshiping God. The third most accurat and balanced concept of worship is that of Islam. It considered worship the only way to please Allah and get reward in the life hereafter. This is the accurate aspect of this concept. The balanced aspect is that it strongly condemn renouncing worldly life. Its impacts have been discussed in below paragraphs.

Islamic Worship Spiritual Impacts
Some of the spiritual impacts of Islamic worship are given below.
Muslims pray five times a day. Salah helps in reminding us the purpose of our life which is to worship Allah Almighty wholeheartedly. It reminds us time and again that we belongs to Allah Almighty and that we will be asked for our deeds in the life hereafter. We should therefore spend our life within Islam fixed rules. Another spiritual impact of Salah is that it bring us closer to our Lord. It gives pleasure and satisfaction to our spirit and heart. Like the Holy Quran says
“Verily in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find rest.” Surah Ar Ra’d – 28.
Fasting or Sawm is one of the most liked worship of Allah Almighty. A person renounced eating and drinking during a particular time of day and night on the command of Allah to please Him. He knows that Allah can see him anywhere in the world and if he ate Allah will punish him. Sawm enstrenghtens a person’s spiritual connection with Allah.
Islamic Beliefs And Its Impact on Individual And Society
Zakat helps in reminding us that everything that we have are bestows of Allah Almighty upon us. We have nothing our own. Zakat was made compulsory to remind us time and again that we should be thankful to Allah Almighty for everything that we have. Another spiritual impact of Zakat is that it helps in eradicating love for wealth and other material things from our hearts. Thus help us in cleaning our spirit.
Every ritual of Hajj has its own spiritual importance. Like Tawaf-e-Kaaba reminds us that God is only one. Similarly Saee/running between Mount Saffa and Marwa reminds us that we have to keep struggling in our worldly life for pleasing Allah Almighty and so on.
Islamic Worship Moral Impacts
Some of the moral impacts of Islamic worship are given below.
Morally Salah (Namaz) helps us in building good moral character. It develop the characteristics of responsibility and punctuality. It also helps a person to control his unethical desires and protect from immorality. Like the Holy Quran says
“Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the rememberance of Allah is greater.” Surah Ankabut.
Fasting (Sawm) also help us in building good moral character. It develops a strong endurance capacity in a person. It taught a person control over his mind and desires.
Morally Zakat help us in eradicating our love for wealth and other material things. It also to do away with greed, hoarding and other social evils of human nature. Zakat also helps in reminding us that every thing we have belongs to Allah and therefore we should not be arrogant and we do not own anything.
Distinctive Aspects of Islam CSS Notes
At the eve of Hajj Muslims of different color, language and ethenicity gathered from all over the world. This helps in developing the concept of equality and love for one another. Similarly it also help in eradicating the notion of superiority and inferiority among Muslims.
Islamic Worship Social Impacts
Some of the important social impacts of Islamic worship are given below.
One of the major social impact of prayer (Salah) is that it increases social interaction among people. Muslims gathered in Masjid daily five times a day for prayer. These meetings give them a chance to stay connected with oneanother. Another important impact of Salah is it increases unity among people. Salah also increases equaty and equality among people when they stand shoulder to shoulder during prayer.
The greatest social impact of Ramadan (Sawm) is that it develops unity among Muslims Ummah. During the holy month of Ramadan Muslims from all over the world fast. This creates a feeling of unity and connectedness among people. Ramadan also creates an environment of worship and morality in society. Similarly it also aware people of the problem of hunger faced by the poors.
Zakat helps in the eradication of poverty from the society. It also helps in the achievement of economic equity and development. Zakat undermines hoarding and other similar social evils.
Hajj (pilgrimage) develops the spirit of love, brotherhood and unity among Muslims from all over the world. It eradicate any distinction aming Mulsims on the basis of color, language and nationality.
The social, moral and spiritual impacts of Islamic worship cannot be underlined in a few paragraphs. However in the above paragraphs I have highlighted the most important and common impacts of them.
The above article is based mainly on the ideas given by Professor Khurshed Ahmed in his book Islami Nazrea i Hayat. For more reading please visit the following link.
- Khurshed Ahmed Book – Islami Nazrea i Hayat
- MEI.EDU – Social System And Morality Of Islam
- Punjab University – The Characteristic Features Of Worship
- UDEL.EDU – Worship in Islam
Tags: Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact. Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact. Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact. Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact. Islamic Worships Spiritual Moral And Social Impact.
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