Islamic History And Culture CSS Syllabus
Islamic History And Culture CSS Syllabus. CSS Islamic History And Culture Syllabus.
Islamic History And Culture CSS Syllabus
Part –I (Marks 50)
- Pre-Islamic Near East: An Overview
- Political, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic Conditions in the Near East including Arabia before the dawn of Islam
II. The Dawn of Islam: The Prophetic Age (570-632)
- Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Chronology of the Major Events in his Life
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Motivator (Daa’i), Major points of his mission
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Military Leader/Strategist
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Political Leader/Head of the State
III. The Pious Caliphate (632-660)
- Caliph Abu Bakr (632-34): Apostasy Wars and Consolidation of Islam
- Caliph Umar b.Khattab (634-44): Establishment of Administrative System and Expansion of Muslim Empire
- Caliph Uthman b.Affan (644-56): Problems and Issues in the Muslim Community
- Caliph Ali b.Talib (656-660): Rise of Factionalism
- Abdication of Imam Hasan and Establishment of Umayyad Dynasty (660)
IV. Political System of Islam under the Prophet (PBUH) and the Pious Caliphate
- Nature of Islamic State
- Form of the Government
- Functions of the Islamic State
- Sovereignty of God
- Caliphate or Vicegerency of Man
- Appointment of Caliph
- Shura or the Consultative Body and its Role
V. Institutional Development of the Muslim Civilization:The Early Phase (622-660)
- Development of Law and Judiciary in Early Islam
- Administration and State Conduct
- Defense in Early Islam
- Educational System
- Propagation of Islam
- Financial Administration
- Heritage and Culture
VI. The Umayyads in Power (660-749)
- Political History of the Umayyad Dynasty
- Statecraft and Administration under the Umayyads
- Society and the Development of Arabic Literature.
- Cultural Achievements
Part –II (Marks 50)
I. The Abbasids of Baghdad (749-1258)
- The Abbasid Revolution and the Establishment of the Abbasid Dynasty
- Administrative Structure under the Abbasids
- Development of Scientific Knowledge under the Abbasids
- Muslim Philosophy under the Abbasids
- Cultural Achievements
II. Spain under the Muslim Rule
- Spain under the rule of the Arabs and Moors (711-1492)
- Political Fragmentation and the Fall of Granada (1492)
- Muslim Contribution in the Realm of Culture, Arts and Architecture
III. The Crusades against Islam
- Major Encounters and Actors (1092-1228)
- Impact of the Crusades on Muslim-Christian Relations
IV. The Ottoman Empire
- Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Turks (1299-1923)
- State, Society and Economy under the Ottomans
- Treatment with the Religious Minorities
- Contribution towards Culture, Arts and Architecture
V. Sufism as an Institution of the Muslim Society
- Origin and Development of Sufism
- Contribution of the Sufis to the Muslim Civilization
- Relationship of the Sufis with the State and Political Authorities.
- A Critical View of Sufism
VI. Islam and Modernity in Contemporary World
- The Emergence of Islamic Modernism
- Intellectual, Political, Economic, Social and Educational Aspects of Islamic Modernism
- Dissemination of Muslim Learning in the West
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