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Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2018

Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2018

Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2018. CSS Islamic History And Culture Paper 2018. CSS Islamic History Paper 2018. CSS 2018 Islamic History And Culture Paper.

Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2019


Q. No. 2. Describe the Socio-Political conditions of Arabia before the dawn of Islam. (20)

Q. No. 3. Holy Prophet’s Hijrat from Makkah to Madina was the turning point in the history of Islam. Explain. (20)

Q. No. 4. Analyse the Fiscal Policy adopted by Umar bin Abdul Aziz during his reign. (20)


Q. No. 5. Give an analytical study of the Muslim Architecture in Spain with special reference to Cordova Mosque and Al-Hamra of Granada. (20)

Q. No. 6. Describe the Philosophical, scientific and literary progress under the Abbasids. (20)

Q. No. 7. Critically evaluate the Ottoman’s administrative reforms with special reference to Tanzimat. (20)

Q. No. 8. Write a comprehensive essay on “Islam and the Challenges of Modernity”; in your opinion what should be an agenda for the 21st century?

Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2017

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