Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2017
Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2017. CSS Islamic History And Culture Paper 2017. CSS Islamic History Paper 2017. CSS 2017 Islamic History And Culture Paper.
Islamic History And Culture CSS Paper 2018
Q. No. 2. Peace and security is the top-most priority and policy of an Islamic State. Give reasons and a comprehensive commentary on the battles fought by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). (20)
Q. No. 3. Throw light on Islamic Political System under the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Pious Caliphs. Explain that how is it different from Western Political System? (20)
Q. No. 4. Write notes on any two of the following: (a) Statecraft & the administration under the Umayyads. (b) Religious Conditions in Arabia before the dawn of Islam. (c) Educational system in the early phase of Islam. (20)
Q. No. 5. Point out the main features of Muslim contribution to religious literature and philosophy in Spain under the Muslim rule. (20)
Q. No. 6. Discuss the role and response of Muslim Scholars to modernism and post-modernism. (20)
Q. No. 7. Discuss in detail the impact of Crusades on Muslim Society throughout the history. (20)
Q. No. 8. Write notes on the following: (10 each)
(i) Scientific achievements during Abbassids rule.
(ii) Dissemination of Muslim learning in the West.
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