International Relations IR Paper 2 CSS 2022
International Relations IR Paper 2 CSS 2022. CSS 2022 International Relations Paper 2
Q 2: What are the key features of the US new Indo-Pacific strategy under Joe Biden’s administration? How does it treat China?
Q 3: What are the Russian objectives behind the military intervention in Ukraine? Discuss whether the Western sanctions can prove effective as an instrument to counter the Russian act.
International Relations IR Paper 1 CSS 2022
Q 4: Why does South Asia remain the least integrated region in the world? What lessons can SAARC draw from the EU and ASEAN experience in regional integration?
Q 5: How have the nuclear doctrines of India and Pakistan evolved? What do their current doctrines imply for deterrence Stability in South Asia?
Q 6: Define “Balancing Act” in international relations. What are Pakistan imperatives and constraints with regard to maintaining balancing in relations with the major powers?
Q 7: Examine the achievements and challenges in EU-Pakistan relations from the perspective of international political economy.
Q 8: What are China’s interest in Afghanistan? Discuss its role and options in the country following the US exit.
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