Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War

The article discusses “Intercultural communication is panacea to avoid 3rd world war. Benefits of cross cultural interaction. Why is cultural communication important? Positive and negative effects of intercultural communication. Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War Implication of intercultural communication. Intercultural communication is panacea to avoid 3rd world war.”

Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War

Distance in terms of relation and contacts, whether it is among people or states, ultimately lead to isolation. The disadvantage of which is the emergence of misbelieves both among people and countries. As we know states behave similarly to human beings in their relations with one another. On national level isolation not only affect the lives of millions of people but also grow misbelieves which may prove fatal. Therefore it is important that we should always keep intercultural communication open among states by putting our differences aside. Because only this way we can prevent fatal incidence such as World War from heppening. Some of the most interesting and useful effects of intercultural communication are given below.

intercultural communication is panacea to avoid 3rd world war

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Intercultural communication helps people of different nations to observe and understand one another from close. It paves a way for social, political and economic interaction and integration among people of different nationalities. It gives them a chance to know and understand one another closely.  

A good relationship starts with a good communication.

Gender Equality A Popular Slogan

By giving a chance to people to understand one another the intercultural communication may also develop a relation of love and amicability among them. Take for example the case of Pakistan and Turkey. Both states are enjoying good relationship both on state and public level. This is not only because of common faith but due to the recent intercultural communication in which some Turkish Television (TV) series played a great role. After airing Turkish TV series “Ertugurl Ghazi” on Pakistan’s national Television, the people of Pakistan began taking interest in their culture and traditions. This interchange of culture bought the people of both countries all of sudden close to each other. 

Human Inventions Move The Societies Backward

Intercultural communication may also help us in examining our culture. We know that both science and religion agrees that human race on the surface of the earth had spread from one place. Due to this reason all cultures have common origin and have similarity in one way or another. This view alone can help us a lot in creating strong bond among different nations because at least we all are the members of human family.  

Political scholars considered good diplomatic interaction a key to good relations among states. No doubt intercultural communication in one way or another can lead to strong diplomatic relations among different countries. Strong diplomatic relations ensure long lasting peace among states.

Universal Human Equality is Utopic

Throughout human history strong nationalist agenda and policies of one state has created many problems for others. Similarly it has always lead to the suffering and even to the perishing of millions of useful lives. The last such incident took place in 1940’s when Adolf Hitler based on his strong nationalist agenda attacked on surrounding countries which soon turned into World War II. If it has happened in past it can happen again but with regular intercultural communication, we can put an end to it forever.

Bottom line of the above arguments is we should always keep our hearts and doors open for one another. A good relationship starts with a good communication. By knowing each other we can understand one another better which is panacea to avoid 3rd World War.


As there is very little data available on internet about the topic therefore the article is mainly based on the author’s own views.

Tags: Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War. Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War. Intercultural Communication is Panacea To Avoid 3rd World War.

    1. Sadia March 14, 2021

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