Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points
The post explains “Indus Water Treaty and its main points. How Indus Water Treaty Works? Indus Water Treaty main points. Indus Basin Treaty short note. Role of World Bank in Indus Water Treaty”.
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Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points
Being immediate neighbors both Pakistan and India shares water that flows cross boundary between the two countries. Immediately after independence India blocked water flow towards Pakistan that affected agricultural sector greatly. This raised serious concerns in Pakistan over the future share and cross border flow of water and the use of water as a weapon by India in future.

Origin Of Indus Water Treaty
To solve the issue for once and all, Pakistan raised the issue on various international platforms. The then president of World Bank Eugene Black offered mediation and so after nine years of long negotiation a treaty was signed on September 19, 1960 between Pakistan and India. This treaty is known as Indus Water Treaty or Indus Basin Treaty.
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How The Treaty Works?
The treaty has sketched out a mechanism for the exchange of information and cooperation between the two countries regarding the use of water. It has set up the following working bodies in this regard.
Permanent Indus Commission: It looks after the exchange of information and cooperation between the two countries regarding the use of rivers and its water. It is composed of a commissioner from each country.
Aside from exchange of information and cooperation another function of the Permanent Indus Commission is to handle and answer questions that may arise at any time regarding any issue.
Settlement Of Differences: As per the treaty if any time differences regarding the use of water are developed between the two signatories, they will be resolved by referring them to a ‘Neutral Expert’.
Why India Should Keep Indus Water Treaty Intact?
Court Of Arbitration: In case of disputes between the two states over the use of water, a seven member arbitral tribunal called “Court of Arbitration” will be established. The court will look into the matters and will resolve them as per rules and regulation of the treaty and international system of justice.
Role Of World Bank Treaty
As a signatory, the role of World Bank is limited and procedural. Its role is limited to the appointment of people to perform certain roles and duties in case of differences and disputes between the two states when requested by either or both the parties.
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Main Points Of Indus Water Treaty
The 25 pages long Indus Water Treaty has the following three main points.
- Division Of Rivers: The treaty divided all the six rivers into two parts that are Eastern Rivers and Western Rivers. Eastern Rivers are; The Sutlej, The Beas and The Ravi. The Western Rivers are; The Indus, The Jehlum and The Chenab River.
- Eastern Rivers: The Treaty gave the right of unrestricted use of waters of Eastern Rivers to India. Eastern Rivers are; The Sutlej, The Beas and The Ravi.
- Western Rivers: The Treaty gave the right of unrestricted use of waters of Western Rivers to Pakistan. Western Rivers are; The Indus, The Jehlum and The Chenab River.
The above mentioned three points of the Treaty are those that are related with the use and division of water and rivers between the two countries. Other points of the Treaty explain the above mentioned point in detail.
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The treaty is a landmark achievement of both Pakistan and India as well as of World Bank. The treaty has solved the matter of water division between the two states in a very balanced way without hurting the interests of either party. Now it is responsibility of both states to make the treaty works.
Tags: Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points. Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points. Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points. Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points. Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points. Indus Water Treaty And Its Main Points.
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