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Indian Motives Behind Revoking Article 370

Indian Motives Behind Revoking Article 370

The post is about “Indian motives behind revoking Article 370. Objectives of India behind the revocation of Article 370. Reasons for revoking Article 370.  Indian motives behind the abrogation of Article 370.Indian motives behind revoking Article 370.” 

Indian Motives Behind Revoking Article 370

Article 370 had enchained Indian Government, particularly Bahartiya Janata Party (BJP) government in India from taking any action freely in Kashmir Issue. Now when there are no constitutional restrictions, BJP’s extremist government is free to take any action in this regard. Some of the major steps that Indian government can now take after the revocation of Article 370 are given below.

Understanding Article 370 And 35 A

Annulment of the Right of Self Determination: As long as the valley of Jammu and Kashmir had special status in Indian Constitution, its people had always the right of self determination, granted by United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

Now when Bhartiya Janata Party’s government under the leadership of Narrendra Modi has successfully revoked Article 370 and all its auxiliary articles, there is no need of the right of self determination for the people of Kashmir anymore.  

Altering Demography: Article 35 A had restricted the sale and purchase of land and property in Jammu and Kashmir to people other than the permanent residents of the valley. This article had preserved the demography of valley somewhat similar for the past seventy years.

Pakistan And The Future Of Kashmir Cause

Now with the revocation of Article 35 A and other similar articles that had provided security to the land and property of people Jammu and Kashmir, there are high chances that the demography of the valley will be altered by plan.

Basic problem with the alteration of demography is that it will greatly affect the result of Right of Self Determination if for tomorrow India agrees to conduct plebiscite in the valley.

Exploitation of Resources: Till the revocation of Article 370 and all its subsidiary articles, India was restricted constitutionally to a great extent in its actions in the valley. Jammu and Kashmir state government had control over state’s internal affairs and resources of the valley.

Implications Of Abrogation Of Article 370

Now after the annulment of the special status of the valley and its amalgamation in the Indian Union, India will have direct control over the resources of the valley.

End Freedom Movement: Another greater objective of Indian Government after Altering Demography is to put an end to freedom movement with the revocation of Article 370 and all its auxiliary articles.

Now Jammu and Kashmir being integral part of the Union, Indian Government will declare “Huriat Movement (Freedom Movement)” a terrorist organization and all its workers as terrorists. This move will put an end to freedom movement.

Kashmir Issue Main Points And Its Causes

No More Kashmir Issue: The special status of Kashmir in both Pakistan and India had preserved Kashmir Issue as an international dispute.

By revoking Article 370 and by annulling the special status of Jammu and Kashmir valley, India wants to assure the world that Kashmir is no more an international dispute.

Restrained International Intervention: Another main objective of India behind the revocation of Article 370 and annulling the special status of Kashmir is to restrained international intervention in the valley. India wants to portrait Kashmir Issue as an internal issue of the country and put an end to international comments over the issue.


Objectives of India behind the revocation of Article 370 and all its subsidiary articles, is clear. She wants to forcibly put an end to this issue and divert international attention from it. India should not forget that such move will have its own implications and it will deteriorate security situation in the region.

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